As 2013 cries uncle, we’d like to thank you for your support. And for being such a snappy dresser.
This has been a big year for HEROfarm. We teamed up with some wonderful clients and had the opportunity do some good work, such as…
➔ With the New Orleans Mission we shed light on what being sincerely homeless means,
➔ Launched a cocktail tour with Swetman Baxter Massenburg,
➔ Donated time to WRBH to rebrand the nation’s only FM radio station for the visually challenged,
➔ Hosted a NOLA Tech Week event focusing on getting your businesses in the news,
➔ Designed a website for Sonic restaurants to streamline job applications,
➔ Appeared in Forbes to discuss corporate social responsibility,
➔ Developed a PSA with coach Monty Williams of the New Orleans Pelicans & New Orleans Mission,
➔ Put together a NOLA-centric logo test seeing just how New Orleans a person truly is,
➔ Imagined what the taglines of major companies would be if they were all born in New Orleans,
➔ Slept outside to support the homeless services of Covenant House,
➔ Created t-shirts to support tornado victims in Oklahoma,
➔ Donated time to relaunch the American Cancer Society NOLA’s gala, the Belles & Beaus Ball,
➔ Hatched a groundbreaking advertising service, Before You Need It,
➔ Devised the Urban Adventure Run Series with Equip Sports Performance,
➔ Helped organize Pizza Hut‘s “free pizza for a donated coat” drive,
➔ Represented New Orleans in Draft Magazine for doing things New Orleanians do,
➔ Created the first Good Karma Slot Machine aimed at spreading holiday cheer year round,
➔ Established “New Look Day“ for the homeless with the New Orleans Mission & Paul Mitchell School,
➔ Shot a PSA with the March of Dimes & assistant coach Bryan Gates of the New Orleans Pelicans,
➔ and devised 25 ways to know if you’re truly from New Orleans.
Our very best to you and yours, and here’s to a great 2014 for all!