HEROfarm’s 2013 Wrap Up


Happy New Year
Dear friends,

As 2013 cries uncle, we’d like to thank you for your support. And for being such a snappy dresser.

This has been a big year for HEROfarm. We teamed up with some wonderful clients and had the opportunity do some good work, such as…

With the New Orleans Mission we shed light on what being sincerely homeless means,
Launched a cocktail tour with Swetman Baxter Massenburg,
Donated time to WRBH to rebrand the nation’s only FM radio station for the visually challenged,
Hosted a NOLA Tech Week event focusing on getting your businesses in the news,
Designed a website for Sonic restaurants to streamline job applications,
Appeared in Forbes to discuss corporate social responsibility,
Developed a PSA with coach Monty Williams of the New Orleans Pelicans & New Orleans Mission,
Put together a NOLA-centric logo test seeing just how New Orleans a person truly is,
Imagined what the taglines of major companies would be if they were all born in New Orleans,
Slept outside to support the homeless services of Covenant House,
Created t-shirts to support tornado victims in Oklahoma,
Donated time to relaunch the American Cancer Society NOLA’s gala, the Belles & Beaus Ball,
Hatched a groundbreaking advertising service, Before You Need It,
Devised the Urban Adventure Run Series with Equip Sports Performance,
Helped organize Pizza Hut‘s “free pizza for a donated coat” drive,
Represented New Orleans in Draft Magazine for doing things New Orleanians do,
Created the first Good Karma Slot Machine aimed at spreading holiday cheer year round,
Established New Look Day for the homeless with the New Orleans Mission & Paul Mitchell School,
Shot a PSA with the March of Dimes & assistant coach Bryan Gates of the New Orleans Pelicans,
and devised 25 ways to know if you’re truly from New Orleans.

Our very best to you and yours, and here’s to a great 2014 for all!
