Marvel Releases Ant-Man Teaser You Can’t Actually See


In marketing, it’s always fun trying to think of a unique way to introduce a new product, service or, in this case, movie to the public that gets attention and builds momentum.

In anticipation of its upcoming movie Ant-Man, Marvel came up with an interesting approach by posting online a ridiculously small, 100-or-so-pixel-wide true teaser of a preview. This type of video is basically a “teaser teaser,” since it’s teasing a soon-to-be-released movie teaser (which will eventually be followed by an even longer and more viewable movie trailer).

This is one way to build hype, and while it’s more than a little ridiculous to be staring into an “ant-sized” preview of the Ant-Man teaser, it’s a clever idea. Teaser teasers have been effective for big films like these — they get a movie’s name out there, and they get people talking about it before the actual trailer’s release.

You can attempt to look at the teaser teaser below.