meet the team: cole – dudemanguy extraordinaire


HERO|farmer Cole  Brennan

Behind The Mask: I’m trying to immerse myself in advertising and get a feel for the industry. I help out in any area that needs it, be it social media or coming up with a shirt design for the company. The atmosphere is really great here…I definitely didn’t expect to listen to Ke$ha or have my bosses drink 40 oz daiquiris or hear as many ridiculous jokes when I signed up for this job.

On The Headset: Recently discovered Witch-Hop, so that’s been blaring out of my minivan recently. Also, Frank Ocean’s new album Channel Orange is really good and I’m not even an R&B fan.

Superpower: I can touch my nose with my tongue. Not sure if that’s because I have a long tongue or a large nose. Also, I can routinely type in my Facebook username and password in less than 2.3 seconds.

Kryptonite: Ha! Not falling for that one again.

Publication Addiction: Read each Harry Potter book multiple times and I am just now starting to get into the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, which is pretty incredible so far.

Utility Belt: My iPhone is literally glued to my hand. Best unfortunate accident ever.

Gotta Buy: I’m not really at the point in my life where I can buy anything over $30…But I’ll take a plane ticket since I’m studying abroad in England come September.

Claim To Fame: 3-time state tennis doubles champion. And there was this one time three people liked something I put on Instagram.