Shocking, powerful PSA rewinds man’s heart attack back to baby’s first food


This may be the best PSA for eating healthy that you’ll ever see.

An anti-obesity campaign video (or debatably better termed as pro-health) featuring a 300-pound man having a heart attack in the ER as his life of overeating flashes before his eyes is once again going viral, even though it was originally released in 2012. The powerful spot is still stirring viewers with its powerful life-or-death message, some applauding it while others display concern.

The PSA, “Rewind the Future,” is from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Strong4Life wellness movement, which has made waves in the past with its shock-value campaigns like with this poster campaign.

Meet Jim—the character in in Rewind the Future video—he is a man whose life flashes right before his very eyes, unhealthy habits and all. The choices you teach your child today become the habits they take into their adulthood.