Planning Your Public Relations in 60 and 90-Day Cycles


Planning your public relations and content/blogs/social media in 60 & 90-day cycles can help you make waves on less-celebrated holidays. This helps make your brand the most noticed in the room.

Here’s a peek at what’s on our radar. Let us know what we missed!


4/27 Administrative Professionals’ Day
4/28 National Superhero Day
4/29 Jazz Festival Begins
5/1 National Travel & Tourism Week Begins
5/3 GiveNOLA Day / National Teachers’ Day
5/4 Star Wars Day
5/5 Cinco de Mayo
5/7 Kentucky Derby
5/8 Mother’s Day
5/11 National Receptionists’ Day
5/18 International Museum Day
5/20 Bayou Boogaloo Begins / Bike to Work Day
5/21 Armed Forces Day / World Whisky Day / National Waitstaff Day
5/27 Sunscreen Day
5/30 Memorial Day
6/3 National Donut Day
6/8 National Best Friend Day
6/14 Flag Day
6/17 Juneteenth (Friday Observed)

Do you want to make news on any of these days? Hit us up at (it goes directly to the partners).

#branding #publicrelations #seo #sem #marketing #planning #dogood